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Irrational Exuberance, Second Edition
by Robert J. Shiller
This site offers updated information relating to the book Irrational Exuberance by Robert J. Shiller.
- One can access an Excel file with the data set (used and described in the book) on stock prices, earnings, dividends and interest rates since 1871, updated.
- One can access an Excel file with the data set (used and described in the book) on home prices, building costs, population and interest rates since 1890, updated.
- The Yale School of Management produces Stock Market Confidence Indexes which reveal changing attitudes among individual and institutional investors over time.
- The definition of "irrational exuberance" has its origin in a speech Alan Greenspan gave on December 5, 1996.
- I write a monthly column "Finance in the 21st Century" for Project Syndicate, with coverage around the world, and this column contains further development of some themes in the book.
- I write a regular column
"Economic View" for the New York Times.
- Richard Thaler and I have organized a number of scholarly workshops in behavioral finance that are the source of many themes in the book.
- In my 2007 presidential address for the Eastern Economic Association I compared historic turning points in real estate with the situation in today's markets.
- I teach a course at Yale University entitled
Economics 527, Law 20083, Management 565, "Behavioral and Institutional Economics".
- I teach a course at Yale University entitled
Economics 252: Financial Markets. A video of all the lectures in the course is available on
Open Yale.
- My 2008 book Subprime
Solution: How Today's Financial Crisis Happened and What to Do about It,
Princeton University Press, connects some of the themes of Irrational Exuberance to the subprime crisis,
and proposes policy measures to deal with the crisis.
- George Akerlof and I have written Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives
the Economy and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism,
Princeton University Press, 2009, which describes the implications of research in
behavioral economics for economic booms, crises and busts.
Publication Information Irrational Exuberance by Robert J. Shiller
- 1st Edition, Princeton University Press 2000
- Paperback edition, Broadway Books 2001
- 2nd edition, Princeton University Press 2005
- 2nd paperback edition, Currency Doubleday 2006
Other Editions
- Arabic: Obeikan Publishers
- Chinese simplified characters: Chinese People’s University Press and Liang Jing Publishing Studio
- Chinese complex characters, China Times Publishing Co.
- French: Valor Editions
- German: Campus Verlag
- Greek: Livanis Publishing Organization
- Hungarian: Alinea
- Italian: Il Mulino
- Japanese: Diamond
- Korean: Maeil Business Newspaper
- Macedonian: Securities and Exchange Commission
- Portuguese: Macron
- Spanish: Oceana
- Turkish: Rota Publishers
- Australia-New Zealand edition: Scribe Publications
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